Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Paperless Paper

I am excited to begin an iPad writing project with @gtwitsims and his 4th grade students.  Our goal is to have the students write a completely paperless paper.  I was inspired by an article I read from ipadders off of Twitter, along with our tech committee’s plan to begin introducing tablets into the classroom.  One hot topic that always comes up is, “How can our students write a paper on an iPad?”.  This project will answer that question and allow us to problem solve any issues that might come up throughout the process.  

Our plan is to use notability and dropbox folders.  I created a dropbox account for each student.  We will have each student log into their accounts and create a writing folder.  Then students will share that folder with their teachers.  This way Mr. Sims will have access to the students’ work.  I can’t wait to see how it all turns out and what these kids will create.  We chose Notability because it has the capability of doodling, web clips, and paper preferences that I knew the kids would love.  Pages would also be a possibility, but because Notability lets the kids have so many creative options we plan to stick with that.  

Check in periodically to see how our project flows.  I am thinking we need at least four weeks to make this happen, and I can’t wait to share the results with you all!  A big thanks to Mr. Garrett Sims for letting me invade his classroom with ipads and technology!

Written by: Jennifer Krzystowczyk

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